Due to a slight mishap in my own coverage of the 2008 DCPHP Conference coverage, this writeup of Day 3 is going live long after my "Closing Thoughts". And by "slight mishap", I mean I forgot to write this one. 😉
Two weeks ago saw the third DCPHP Conference happen on George Washington University. This post covers the third and final day of the conference and was written after everything was done. Previous coverage is available here: 2008 DCPHP Conference – Day 1 and 2008 DCPHP Conference – Day 2.
The morning started off bright and cheery with my own presentation on RESTful Web Services. I covered the basic concepts of REST along with some examples of well-designed REST services and one snippet showing how to use Amazon's S3 RESTfully. The slides are available here. One of the more fun things to come out of this one is the new Twitter PHP Class that Aaron Brazell (Technosailor) and I are working on. Admittedly, I'm the newest one in that group and haven't commited my changes yet, but I have a small flock of changes ready.
The next session was a bit of a bust. Due to a schedule mishap – no, I had nothing to do with it – a speaker's cancellation was missed/miscommunicated and we just sat quietly twittering and mocking each other in a spare room. Luckily, Morgan Tocker of Sun/Mysql was good enough to share some of his Mysql black magic from his recent PHP|Arch presentation.
The final session of the day and conference was from David Sklar on "Static/Dynamic Code Analysis Techniques" according to what they're doing at Ning. He gave an overview of some of the tools, tactics, and tricks, and then dove in and showed off. Unfortunately, at the moment, I can't find the slides, but the sheer mass of information and tricks given was amazing. I hope to find them soon… David!?