[Admin] I love the Smell of Napalm in the Morning

For those of you who have been lurking around here for the past couple years, you've noticed very few changes to the overall look and feel of the site. Despite all the work we've done for various customers in integrating their systems and normalizing their sites, tools, and operations, we've been remiss in providing the same services for ourselves.

Starting this weekend, CaseySoftware will be going through some radical changes:
* the support forums (phpBB) will be imported to Drupal forums – most of you weren't aware of them anyway;
* the main site (exponentCMS) will be imported into Drupal;
* the shopping cart (ZenCart) will be dropped in favor of Drupal's eCommerce module;
* the blogs.caseysoftware subdomain will become part of the main site.

Notice the pattern here? Everything will be coming to a single site with a single repository across all of those areas. On the backend we already have the pieces tied together, but this will give us a single unified look and feel (and management) for the front end with a much smaller overall footprint.

Yes, I know that many of these things could cause serious damage to our Page Rank and many incoming links. Luckily, I've been watching our referrer logs and through some creative ModRewrite and scripting black magic, this should be relatively well mitigated and hopefully cause us to disappear for only an hour or two. If you need to do the same, you might read or contact Peter Harkin for further information.

And yes, this means that all of our existing phpBB and ZenCart support will be shut down by the end of the year. IMHO, the constant stream of security updates for one and the lack of flexibility and extensibility of the other have made these a bear to support and our efforts are better spent focusing on dotProject, SugarCRM, and Drupal. Upon investigation, you may reach another conclusion, but I'm sticking by this one.