It's been a long time in coming but it's finally here –
As of 14 Oct 2007, dotProject v2.1 is live!
There are numerous improvements – the Release Notes are available – but the most important ones (in my book) are:
- Full PHP/MySQL 5 support – the 2.1 Release Candidates supported 5/5 but this is the first official release to do so.
- The security had some major cleanup. There are a few known and announced vulnerabilities in the 2.0.x codebase that should be completely eliminated… via a trio of methods. First, turning off register_globals covers it. Then, we have a security sential to limit entry points. And finally, we have it locked down via .htaccess. No matter your configuration, you should be coverd by these methods.
- There are numerous fixes to the dependency calculation and date shifting. It's been made significantly more robust and more effective overall. This has been one of the most painful things to test but one of the most useful features in the entire planning process.
- Gantt font fix – In prior releases, we were dependent on having the Arial font installed somewhere on the system. It was a licensing issue which has now been resolved by the inclusion of a FreeFont package.
- Finally, there are literally dozens of tweaks, patches, and fixes found by general community members and specifically by CaseySoftware customers. The value of these – along with meaningful bug reports – cannot be overlooked. It was makes Open Source work.
And congrats to the rest of the team… it's great working with you.