For the first time ever, DrupalCon is joining us in the great State of Texas, specifically right here in Austin over the week of June 2nd-6th.
As a part of that, I’ve been tapped to serve as the Chair of the Coding & Development Track. It basically means that I’m in charge of reviewing every proposal submitted and choosing the content that falls into that track.. and towards that goal, I need your help.
I want to be flooded with great proposals so I have to make hard decisions and it generally makes my life miserable. 😉
You should submit if:
- you work in Drupal, Symfony*, Composer, or related technologies;
- you are doing something interesting on the Drupal platform;
- you have integrated useful third party systems into Drupal;
- you have done any work with Drupal 8, especially related to updating modules and/or development sites.
If you don’t do any of the above, don’t worry. You should know that although Coding & Development is my favorite track, it is only one of nine different categories ranging from Frontend to Business to DevOps.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to drop me a note, but make it quick.. the submissions close in just over two weeks on March 7th.
* You know Drupal 8 is Symfony-based, right?