SugarCRM & Interactive Voice Response – Corridor

CaseySoftware has been working this past year to help business improve their processes by the intelligence deployment and use of tools. While we predominantly support back office operations revolving around Project Management, occassionally we have a product which sneaks out and interacts directly with the customer.

Under the cover of darkness these recent months, we’ve developed a module called Corridor which ties’s Interactive Voice Response System to SugarCRM and now I’m announcing its availability.

There are three primary Use Cases which were implemented:

  • First, when a Customer calls in, their callerid information is used to immediately update their SugarCRM Contact record. Next, the call appears on a simple “Recent Calls” box on your SugarCRM page along with the information retrieved (Contact Name, Account Name, and timestamp). This allows a Customer Service Representative to immediately know who is calling before they answer the phone.
  • Next, if a Customer decides to leave a voice mail, the above information is still added to the “Recent Calls” but the description of the call is replaced with a link to the .wav audio message.
  • Finally, if a Customer simply wishes to know the status of their latest submited Case, the above logging happens and the system reads the Case resolution over the phone.

A call will stay in the “Recent Calls” list noted above until the Call is marked “complete”. This allows your Customer Service team to know all the calls placed, see what actions the Customer took, and then respond or close each in kind.

In addition to the module itself, we’ve developed a small collection of “Call Pages” to demonstrate how to have the two systems play well together. While we consider this version of the module to be complete, additional suggestions on functionality are always welcome.

If you’re interested in an integrated IVR/CRM solution, please contact Jason Hochman at for more information:

Jason Hochman
Business Development Manager