Synchronizing Business goals with PMO goals…

It is imperative to understand the overall Business goals of an Organization while it comes to executing Projects.

In today’s world of rapid change, often Management has to fine tune the methods and roadmap to reaching Business Goals. Eventually this frequent one degree shift impacts the whole Organization. However these changes are not trickled down to the floor where the work gets done – as a result the projects start drifting away from the Project goals and the PMO start panicking….
The ongoing economic downturn has forced Organizations to live on split second decision. Probably it’s a new way of governing Corporations and the project Teams have to learn it fast to cope with it.

I think the PMO should work very closely with the Management and any and every shift and turn should be propagated to the Team members with its impacts. This open communication helps to rebuild the lost confidence, keeps the project in focus and finally accomplish Corporate goals.