DCPHP & php|tek Webcast Series

This coming week – on Wednesday 14 January, to be specific – I'm presenting at the DCPHP Users' Group giving a one hour session on the ins and outs of web2project.  Here's the synposis:

Although web2project is a fork of dotProject, simply calling it the next version ignores how far its come in the last year. The system has undergone massive improvements in permissions, system performance, User Interface, and numerous things not visible until you get under the hood. We'll take some time to review the most obvious changes and then get down to the aspects that will make the system fun and useful for you.

What!?  You don't live in/around DC but you're still interested in the session?  No problem!

In fact, there's something even bigger and better coming…

In the lead up to php|tek this year (php|tek 2009 schedule here), we've put together a php|tek Webcast series.  We've gathered some of the best and brightest minds in the PHP world and every other week between now and php|tek, they'll share some of their tips, tricks, ideas, and perspectives… live. Yes, the sessions are live and you get to see their screens in realtime.  Every click, keystroke, and amazing bit of code will be visible to you as it happens.

Presenters include the Section 508-master John Behen, my friend and colleague Matthew Turland covering web scraping, fellow DCPHP'er and Joomla-guy Joe LeBlanc, the meme-spreading Tony Bibbs covering Propel, my friend and new Zend'er Eli White on Code Management, another DCPHP'er Barry Austin on Application Security, and Zend Framework King and conference junkie Matthew Weier O'Phinney on the Zend Framework and Dojo.

Now, the good news and bad news…

The good news is that registration is free and open to everyone (limit 500).  Just go to the page and sign up.  You'll need a Windows or Mac, but VM's should work with GoToMeeting.

The bad news is that I'm giving the first presentation.  It's a shortened version of the web2project presentation covering some of the same points.  If it's your first exposure to web2project or you've been a dotProject user for years, no problem.  All are welcome.

The full schedule and links to registration pages are available here.