If you haven't been to a TECH cocktail.. it's simply an experience. Wow. It was a continuous stream of chaos and ideas… friendly faces, both new and old… some tasty drinks… and it was a complete and total blur. I didn't go more than 30 seconds without being introduced to someone, running into someone, or being grilled for information.
Some highlights of the festivities:
- Lots of familiar faces… people who are friends and allies wishing us well and introducing us around to potential customers, partners, etc.
- Lots of new faces… people who hadn't heard the pitch and what we're doing that we sold on it pretty quickly.
- I got some great feedback, tips, and information that I didn't have before. That's one of the best parts about these events in general… kicking around ideas.
- The great crew over at Jess3 saved us by switching tables so we could have an outlet. A dead laptop makes demonstrations quite difficult.
- On a personal note, one of the unexpected fun moments was skipping the line to get in. We were demo'ing WhyGoSolo and although Ann was already set up inside, I was running late. So we just bypassed the line… I've never been able to do that before.
All in all, it was a blast.
The next morning's Hangover Breakfast hosted by Micah Baldwin of Lijit capped off the festivities nicely. And provided a chance to talk in a smaller, more focused group. And as far as I could tell, no one was hung over. š
If you did miss it, there are pictures available from Nahum Gershon, Technosailor, Jason Garber, ShashiB, and the motherload of pictures itself… TECH cocktail DC 2. Update: There are also writeups from Jimmy Gardner, Steven Fisher, and more are coming…
Alternatively, you can check out my personal favorite… Nick O'Neill's mashup. Trust me, you want it with the sound.
And don't miss the TECH cocktail conference in Chicago next month… big names, bigger ideas.